When you turn your computer on in the morning, it boots up and does its thing, shows you a happy little sign in screen. You didn’t need to know the workings in there that made that happen, you can take it totally for granted. It just does what it does. If it doesn’t do that properly, someone else is going to fix it and you’re totally back on track.
But when YOU boot up in the morning, what if you find certain “programs” running in the background that make the day less smooth, fun, or happy?
Programs that kind that convince you it is going to be hard,
to doubt your ability or outcome,
to not make the decisions,
to not pick a direction,
to constantly second guess yourself?
That underlying programming causes all sorts of havoc in your life. It causes businesses to stagnate, to fail to grow, to start to shrink. Because your hidden, automatic subconscious reactions play into the thoughts and feelings that form.
Where did this nasty, fun and business wrecking programming come from!?
Messages from our formative years, things people said to us that hurt or created doubt, conclusions we came to as we learned about life, emotions that were knee-jerk to a new or tough situation — these are the things that drive our businesses whether we admit it or not.
WATCH other business owners. If they ignore this factor, they struggle more to succeed. They cap their success without even realizing it. They don’t get the help they need with that programming that boots up with them in the morning.
I help reset this programming.
No talk therapy, no hypnosis, no extra work on your part, no embarrassment of any kind.
You get a feeling of being free and relieved. Being able to know more clearly which way you should go, to make decisions with peace in your heart and mind, to be far more highly effective in your efforts.
I want you waking up with fun in your heart. To think of your day and your work as an effortless flow to where you’re supposed to be existing.
Everything is harder with false programming running in your subconscious. The whole process you’re trying to achieve is bogged down, feels burdensome, feels like you’re trying to be efficient in a super cluttered room.
Do you ever wake up and already feel stuck? What about?