Let’s cut straight to the countdown of three of the most common subconscious saboteurs are for my highest achieving clients.
3) Need for control.
Because face it, control is a bit of an illusion in most things. We don’t have that much control over life in general. We can plan our paths, manage, organize, and then run damage control. What most entrepreneurs and coaches struggle with is all the extra activity that goes into trying to control the peripheral and small things. They don’t always see where and how they can simplify and let go so that the bigger, more important tasks that impact their success can have attention.
The need for control often comes out as micro-managing, stopping us from looking at the big picture, distracts us from identifying the true problems and taking the decisive, targeted action that is needed. It causes us to burn up hours, days, and even years complicating the process and path to our big goals.
When needing control is less in the driver’s seat of your days, you actually are and feel MORE in control – because the big things are actually getting done, you are far less consumed by the little things, and your free time (and brain space!) returns. It’s incredibly freeing.
2) Belief one needs to take a long time to “process” bad events.
Somehow society has spread the notion that negative emotions experienced should be held onto to help “make” the individual a better person. Carrying trauma indefinitely is viewed as part of one’s fate, so people sign up for it.
Everyone experiences great loss or shock at some point. That is part of life in a fallen world. Hurts will happen. But… we are not made to carry them indefinitely. We do have default responses that jump to the surface “I could have, should have, what if…” But we cannot change the past. We CAN change how we process it and go forward from it.
There is an amount of time that seems to need to pass before some things can be fully set behind simply due to the enormity of some events. But… this is rarely more than a few months. In fact, I’ve never seen it be more than a few months to get the main feeling of heaviness off the body. Looking at any event objectively is going to be more beneficial than re-living it constantly. There is nothing to be learned or gained from constant active trauma states.
If a bully shoves you into a massively muddy and deep pit of mud, do you wallow in it forever because you believe you deserve to be there? That this pit is your fate, yours to carry and live in? Or do you start slogging your way out of that and figure out how to get the filth off you? Once out, do you carry a bucket of it with you to weigh you down on the rest of the journey because it is sentimental to you?
Anyhow… on to the countdown. One of the top subconscious beliefs that stop the highest achievers is…
- Feeling Vulnerable.
Someone is going to see me, someone is going to judge. What if someone criticizes? What if I have to answer for… some vague unidentified something?
Honestly, this stops most people from even starting to chase their dreams goals. It hinders most coaches and entrepreneurs from going to the next level. It is something the most financially successful people muscle through. Very few coaches (including million dollar earners) have released their fears of being seen.
Forcing your way past any of these subconscious blocks is not the best way to proceed.
I’ve observed many million and multi-million dollar coaches, and I can see on their face and body language that they still carry many of these burdens. They’ve done it the harder way – by forcibly pushing past their fears instead of processing them.
Just acknowledging the issue does NOT fix the problem.
I make the process of actually re-wiring the subconscious patterns fast and painless. It makes going forward in business and life feel light, fun, easy, and so much more worry-free. I know it sounds magical and impossible, but the proof is here.
If any of these resonate with you as one of your possible top saboteurs, I’d love to hear your thoughts.