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What Clients Say

Jessica Kroening

How do I even begin to say all that Abby has done for me, my family, and my business? As a practitioner, the hardest clients we have are our family members and most of all, ourselves. In natural medicine we are up against great odds and often find ourselves having bouts of loss of ambition, loss of drive, overwhelming depression at what we’re up against. With Abby’s help, I was able to get past my blocks and get back to my practice after huge hurdles had nearly broken me. She helped me break past my emotional blocks that held me back immediately and effortlessly. Helping me get through my health hurdles when I was unable to even treat myself was crucial. Her ability to intuitively connect and break down everything that is going on, and make a plan to fix it, is beyond words. I’ve been able to take my business to the next level and I’m forever thankful.

Owner of

Sharon Little

I met Abby online and we developed a closeness right away. She is easy to talk with and was very accommodating with my questions and note taking. She brought up some amazing things in my session, a really bad dream when I was six years old that still would have me hiding to this day! She showed me how some of my pain was coming from absorbing the pain of others around me. One topic was from my husband and Abby cleared me so that I in turn could resonate differently and help him! When I told him, he cried. I have to say that the clearing was instant and deep since he has expressed his emotions two times since over different items and had the courage to change jobs! I am speaking my mind more at work instead of looking the other way and I’ve realized that I am enough, I was setting my bar too high, and that I wasn’t broken. Abby said I just needed a tune up and that I was going to be okay. It’s been a few months since my session and I still feel the improvements we made together on that day. I highly recommend some self-care with Abby. You will wonder what took you so long!

Owner of Phoenix Frequency

Sarah Khan

I gained some real understanding of some of the blocks I have and tools to identify certain emotions by listening to what my body was telling me…really leaning into the emotion and asking questions about where it came from. I feel further along….I feel more “in” myself than I have for a long time. I definitely gained clarity on who I am and how I wish to show up in the world…and in imy business. I gained a greater understanding and appreciation for energy and how it impacts our every waking moment.

Abby has such a calming presence. She is so intuitive and so incredibly comforting you cannot help but feel light and lifted after having spent time with her. I wish I could have a little mini-session with her every morning! I appreciated her thoroughness…her obvious investment in your progress and outcome. Her candidness, her experience and wisdom…everything! I’m going to miss our weekly chats. I truly loved how I felt after each session and hope I can find a way to keep that feeling going.

CEO of

Bonnie Koenig

I had the great opportunity to have Abby work with me over the holiday with her Intuitive Mindset Restoration work. Wow, did it shift energy! We worked on a variety of things, but one session was about releasing emotions in my spinal column. Since then, I’ve been ‘popping/adjusting’ when I stretch! Areas that were really very stuck are moving now! Also, one particular emotion really hit home and it was such a strong one that it was a great relief to clear it out. It’s amazing how these things build up and we don’t even know it.

Traditional Naturopath - Founder of Northern Shores Wellness

Debbie Leafblad

I was stuck with some belief systems around work and home that were playing into some physical ailments. She quickly found those and did her magic.

Abby is a joy to work with, she is very patient and knows her stuff and can see the humor in crazy issues but I never feel judged. She can suggest different ways to look at an issue.

I’m restructuring my business and found a great new office on my own and many opportunities have opened up since working with her. Even in a pandemic year with not seeing people in person most of year I made more than last year.

I’ve worked with many people who knew they could help but never felt much change. I was hoping this wouldn’t be the same and it hasn’t been. Abby truly cares and will support you all the way through the process.

Founder of

Janet Busby

Abby has been there for me over the years to keep my health in balance. During a visit I expressed my frustration with not reaching my professional goals. I consider myself to be well-adjusted but I was excited to see if Abby could find any emotional blocks that I might have.

Within less than an hour, Abby found a life situation that I experienced as a teenager that I had “dealt” with. What we found out is that I hadn’t dealt with it at all, I had suppressed it. The situation had created self-limiting beliefs and when Abby cleared it, a weight was lifted from me that I never knew I had. I now have clarity in my life and I no longer get that feeling of being stuck in the muck.

Since my session with Abby I have received unexpected opportunities in my professional life, more than I can commit to and they are projects that I feel I was meant to do. If you want quality opportunities and to work with focus and clarity, then I recommend working with Abby.

CoFounder of
Tiana Smith's Image

Tiana Smith

During my session with Abby, I was amazed at how her and her Intuitive Mindset Restoration system tapped into my subconscious beliefs surrounding relationships, money and my business.

After our session she sent me an individualized plan to help me continue to work on clearing my emotional blocks and limiting beliefs. I also really loved the custom affirmations she sent me.

Within a day of clearing those emotional blocks, I closed some high end contracts and also attracted some beautiful new healthy relationships. I 100% endorse Abby and recommend any woman and business woman work with her to clear out your heart and get unstuck!

CEO of Inspired Mommy Boss and Celebrity Business Coach