Don’t you hear it all the time? That your mindset is the thing that is stopping you?
I do! I see coaches and entrepreneurs harping all the time on this. But I’m here to tell you, it is a SYMPTOM! It is not the actual problem. Your mindset falls into place so much easier when the underlying issues that create a messy, rollercoaster-of-motivation mindset are eliminated.
In excellent, driven, happy, motivated business mindset can only be partially forced. You can put up all the posters, quotes, sayings, you can listen to all the right amazing motivational, driven personalities, you can reaffirm mantras in yourself to try to reprogram your mind.
But in the end, you’re still going to fight old patterns.
Why do you still feel like it is hard? Here’s why. And it isn’t your fault.
Your body remembers everything. Even after you’ve mentally, logically, reasonably set things aside. Or pushed them so far out of your mind that you hardly can recall it.
Your body and mind stores information electrically.
Your body and mind also communicates electrically.
(You recall these factoids: Your cells are electrical, your brain is electrical, your heart is electrical… these are basic scientific facts that we’ve all been aware of for most of our lives! The reason your cell membranes and nervous system contains so much fat, is because fat insulates the electrical system built into you!)
Everyone alive harbors old messages, memories, and traumas from all along life’s journey. They are remembered at an electrical level in the body. They resonate there constantly, and the frequency is sensed by your cells.
And the cells respond accordingly. They sense and respond to this very constant message, just as if they were listening to a radio station droning the same messages all day long. It is a self-brainwashing with subconscious messages on a deep, deep level!
So far and long after your mind has convinced itself it dealt with the events, messages, and emotions of any event, your body remembers.
This affects each moment of your day. All of your responses. How your personality and skills express. How you show up for your clients. How you value yourself. And yes… it 100%+ affects your mindset.
What methods are you relying on to help re-wire that deep, subconscious memory? Are you making all the progress you’d like?